DMCA Violation

Our website contains information about individuals and groups, but it is only for informational purposes. WassupNews[dot]com provides the information. While we do our best to keep it up-to-date and accurate, we cannot guarantee the availability of the website or any information or graphics related to it for any purpose.

Information on was gathered from various online sources. There is no guarantee of any kind, explicit or implicit, regarding merchantability, uses and accuracy. You can link to other websites via advertisements on this website. These sites are not under’s control. We do not have any control over the content, availability, or nature of these sites. Links do not necessarily indicate a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them. We do our best to ensure that the site runs smoothly and is up-to-date. The website may be temporarily unavailable for technical reasons beyond our control. However, we cannot accept responsibility. We will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury, including indirect or consequential losses or damage, as well as any loss of profits or data that may result from the use of this site.

DMCA Violation 

We are committed to protecting intellectual property. If you believe that any material on our websites violates your copyrights and you are a copyright holder, you can submit a Notification Of Claimed Infringement (DMCA) to our team by sending an e mail with the following information:

  • An identification of the copyrighted works claimed to be infringed. You may submit a list of copies of works that are found on one web page or if multiple copyrighted work is posted.
  • Clear identification of the material that you claim infringes on the copyrighted works, as well as information sufficient to locate the material on our website (such the message ID for the infringing material).
  • A declaration that you believe that the material being claimed as copyright infringement has not been authorized by the copyright owner or its agent, nor the law.
  • A declaration that the information contained in the notification was accurate and that the complaining party, under penalty of perjury is authorized to act for the owner of the exclusive right allegedly infringed.
  • Contact information to allow us to respond to your notice. Preferably, include an e-mail address or telephone number.
  • The copyright owner must sign the notice electronically or physically.

To send an infringement notice, use our contact us page.

Allow us to respond by email within a week. Notifying other parties, such as our Internet Service Provider, about your complaint will not speed up the process and could result in a delayed reply due to the complaint not being properly filed.